Development history of OFFLINE... v1.00 to 1.14 were development versions. v1.14 Added date/time on QWK directory list (sorted by date/time). v1.15 Added ability to change reply attributes Private/Public after created. v1.15 Added ability to define NETMAIL return destination line format... Standard format is Maximus 2.00 compatible ie: To: z:net/node Any other format is now possible ie: NET>z:net/node v1.16 Added ability to change subject line for reply mail. Minor UI improvements, prior to first SDS release. v1.17 Fixed internal ARJ extract command to E instead of X (which expands subdirectories if included) v1.18 Fixed Qemm/Dv problem (mouse routine) Added FIND command in the Reading Area. Added On-Line HELP. v1.19 Made FIND command faster. v1.20 Fixed mouse bug when using DOS5 editor. v1.21 Added ability to turn Sound on/off Added new documentation by Softwrite Docs. v1.22 Fixed problems associated with Maxmail v1.23 Improved file access/deletion routines. v1.24 Added ^E and ^P to Export or Print from read screen (rather than from the main menu). Fixed bug when replying to a reply. Added ability to change export file name on the fly. SDS release. v1.25 Minor memory optimization. v1.26 Added lastread pointer file to retain reading position in old QWK files. v1.27 Changed archiver accessing methods, overcoming possible problems associated with 4DOS. v1.28 Changed bulletin and notice board display systems to display ansi as per users requests. v1.29 Increased number of messages per area to 600 from 400. (999 max areas). Now warns of existing REP files and prompts for deletion. v1.30 Fixed problem that the REP file had with some QWK doors. v1.31 Fixed problem deleting lastread pointer files. SDS release. v1.32 Fixed problem with area numbers in return packets (Didn't affect use with Maximus v2.0) Added busy screen (Calendar). SDS release. v1.33 Added FAST ACCESS mode (put F on command line) which immediately loads *.QWK packets and goes to the reading area. Removed busy screen (Calendar), and replaced it with DOS SHELL command. (This function was in the Reading area. By user request, the DOS SHELL can be accessed from the Reading area as well as from the pull downs) Enhanced the REPLY QUOTE line. v1.34 Added ability to edit TO/FROM/SUBJECT fields while entering or replying to messages. Added automatic *._W? (lastread pointer file) age detection in case QWK packets are deleted manually (and the user forgets to delete the *._W? file). v1.35 Added ability to edit replies. Added 43, 50, and 60 line screen modes. Added optional packet renaming. For stupid zmodem protocols/terminals. Added optional forced upper case for From and To fields (required by some QWK hosts).